Dean Radin “real magic”
3 kinds of magic: (all based on 1 mind / concsousness centric universe / positive thinking / love)
parapsychology: psychic powers, mindreading, linking minds, pre-cognition, telepathic, dream knowledge, remote viewing
divination: future/card reading
out of body: spirits, NDE, reincarnation, visitations, ghosts
paranormal phonomenon= cant be studied, not in principle. but its wrong…
mark twain: “its not what you don’t know that gets you get in trouble, it’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so”
in the face of the mysterious, dont slam the door on your own perceptions. belief shattering event. many have experienced.
The concept of magic, never goes away.
‘dark magic’= tapping into the channels, without love, with ill intent.
The mind-body problem:
what is conscousness? where does it come from? whats its purpose? nobody in science knows.
how does a brain make ‘us’? are we just meat machines playing to no audience? depressing!
Magical thinking works for some poeple, placebo effect, etc. belief creating reality.
“god does not play dice with the universe” einstien quote
belief, imagination, focus, clarity= 4 factors for strength
meditation, ‘gnostics’ mindset. get into the mindset
“the sceince of enlightenment” book on it
The practice of magic:
suggested book: “it works”
2 things:
affirmations: believe it, imagine it, write it on a pen and paper just for this. paper= universal conscousness and pen= your unconcsous. review goal daily. place in box just for this. maintain secrecy, they inject doubt. have gratitude, esp when it works, thank it. start modest in goals, simple outcomes (meeseeks lol).
sigils: focused attention, charge it w/ emotion and intention, so it goes to the unconscous.
making and using)
1: write your desire. e.g. “i find a ten dollar bill”
2: list first letters, ignore begin w vowel: FTDB
3: fit letters together into abstract symbol
4: focus on symbol, projecting intense calm/emotion to charge it and amplify desire. meditation relation.
5: once charged, put away, to see now and then. deflect to deep unconcsous, to draw into being.
6: maintain strong belief. secrecy. keep all about it private. and only for <3 purposes and not to control others.
=often creates synchronicities.
Don't summon them… They're dangerous.
Remote viewing:
holding the target in mind, sketch 1st thing coming to your mind on blank paper, describe initually. s
ensory impressions, 5 senses. vidual, shape, color, smell etc. note emotions. combine into series of sketches on the target.
What u think it is: write (1st step of analysis). note then revise with feelings gained from your sketch.
Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger among others) suggested consciousness to be fundamental
When addressing the mind-body discussion, it is useful to envision a linear spectrum with two opposite poles:
materialism (brain creates mind and all that exists is physical matter)
metaphysical idealism (mind creates brain, and all of the physical universe)