Worldbuilding: Meleena's Journal

website (4).png

Check below to see locations, creatures, & ecosystems!

(Contains No Spoilers, Only Worldbuilding)

LOCATION: Meruyan Wilds and Coast

Location: Meruyan Wilds and Coast

JBK world Map Meruyan Coast.png

(All images on page by: JBLesel)

The lands all the way up the western coastline of the continent, all between the various Meruyan villages, including the way up to the capital city, Dlawn’Edo.

Meleena and her fellow apprentices must traverse these wild lands as a test of endurance, and bonding, as they learn to work together until they enter civilization.

Meleena herself of course, brings her journal with to sketch some unusual creatures she runs into along the way.

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LocationJulia Lesel