Worldbuilding: Meleena's Journal

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Check below to see locations, creatures, & ecosystems!

(Contains No Spoilers, Only Worldbuilding)

CREATURE: Muul’dre


(note: no picture because I couldn’t find anything like this online, but maybe I’ll try to draw something myself, or if anyone reading this wants to try! LOL)

“Two creatures stood … digging deeper into the muddy soil in search of the tasty roots, unaware they were being watched…. From their shiny scaled hides and wide-set, golden eyes, to the mossy tufts like fur that grew wildly on their stumpy legs: these creatures had no names, so Meleena, who hid behind the bulbub tree curtain, called them muul’dre as she hurriedly sketched the details of these creatures in- side her precious journal. She was the first person ever to do so, to her knowledge. “ -Chapter 1

Long-legged grazer in the forest by Pontai’desa.

At any sign of danger, the beetle-hide of this pray animal (herbivore) shimmers like a rainbow to alert its companions. Their low alarm cry, “Ruuu!” can be heard wailing as they dart into the undergrowth for protection from predators trying to eat them.

Julia LeselComment